The Water’s Edge Network prioritizes the work that God is doing in and through our campus churches.
We focus on a God who desires Hope and Life for all of His children.
We focus upward, deepening our relationship with Him.
We focus inward, developing relationships with each other where care, challenge, and celebration are common.
We also focus outward, pursuing opportunities to holistically care for the needs of our world.
We live out this mission by being…
with god
We are churches committed to developing personal and corporate habits for a dynamic relationship with God. We emphasize prayer and the study of the Scriptures as critical habits that help us discern the plans and purposes of God for our lives.
in community
We are churches eagerly desiring to cultivate relationships where care, challenge and celebration occur. We emphasize living life as one faith family in the all-together – corporate worship — and the small together — small groups.
on mission
We are churches that pursue opportunities to holistically care for the needs of our world. As the universal Church, we are called to actively participate in the mission of God. We are churches that passionately believe that God measures His church by how many we send not by how many we seat.
Water’s Edge Missions
Water's Edge Missions exists to Amplify the Hope and Life of Jesus around the world by empowering local people to reach the lost and least in their communities.
100% of the investment into Water’s Edge Missions will go directly to empowering our far-reaching family to reach the lost and least in their communities.

As Kingdom-driven churches we exist to usher in the rule and reign of God on earth as it is in heaven. Our Gospel mission is a great commission because God’s rule pushes back evil.
We see five primary ways this evil is expressed. We call these five expressions the, ‘Five Global Giants.’ A uniting feature of our network strategy is the commitment to address the Five Global Giants through a philosophy we have named, AMPED.
Reproducing churches that promote reconciliation with God and each other TO Address the giant of spiritual emptiness
The church to see the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven TO address the giant of self-serving leadership
Healing for the sick TO address the giant of disease.
The next generation TO address the giant of multi-faceted illiteracy.
The poor and vulnerable TO Address the giant of poverty and injustice.