“We all love good advice and great outcomes, but in reality we learn more from our mistakes and failures. Throughout this series we’re looking at the biggest mess ups and blunders from some of our favorite biblical heroes—asking the questions, “What bad advice did they follow? What bad advice am I following?”

Grab your group, your family, your friends and step further into some of the mistakes made in the Bible, the lessons we can learn from them, and most importantly, the freedom found on the other side!

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Group activity Because relationships build on getting to know each other!

Download the group activity

Conversation Download the conversation starters and go through them as a group!

Download the Conversation Starter

Challenge Part I Spend an extra 5 min a day just listening to God. After praying and reading his word, take 5 minutes and pray something like this, “God, I’m listening. I’m open to anything you want to say.” Then just take 5 minutes without talking, and with no distractions and just listen.

Challenge Part II Try something different this week. If you usually eat lunch at the same place or talk with the same people at work or watch the same shows in the evening… this week, change it up. When you do, invite God into it and see what he shows you.

Share some BADVICE…
or the opposite…GODVICE!